Opal Chevron Hoop Earring Daith Earring Rook Earring Tragus Hoop

$12.80 $16.00

Shipping to United States: $5.00

16 gauge opal chevron hoop daith earring, rook hoop, tragus hoop. Personalize the chevron V shaped hoop by choosing your color decorative wire wrapping from the 2nd photo, it is shown with lime on the gold hoop.

Solid 316L surgical steel, gold and rose gold hoop is IP plated
16 gauge - 8mm diameter hoop
Resin glitter faux opal

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Reviews (8)


This daith piercing is so cute. I absolutely love it. And the fact that it isn't able to turn into my ear makes it even better. My old piercing kept turning and the opal would not show, so I love how this one doesn't do that.

Haven’t had a chance to wear it yet but beautiful piece!

I absolutely love this piece! It completes all my opal aesthetic, while giving something that circular jewelry just couldn’t give! This is my new favorite piece to wear.

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