White Opal Gold Nose Ring Tiny Gold Nose Stud Prong Set

$12.00 $15.00

Shipping to United States: $5.00

White opal gold nose ring. Tiny gold nose stud with a 2mm prong set white opal gem. 20 gauge nose ring, 1/4" long post, made of 316L surgical steel plated gold with a tiny synthetic white opal stone is discrete yet gives a little flash! Prong set opals make them more noticeable and vibrant in color. All orders arrive in a gift box. Last photo shows what it looks like being worn for a size comparison (shown with a white opal bezel set).

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Amazing seller! I received my item very quickly.

Just as expected. Timely shipping and great quality

Beautiful and well made! My nose is on the bigger side and this size is perfect! Can't wait to order more!

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