Nose Hoop Septum Hoop Nose Ring 16 18 20 Gauge

$7.50 $10.00

Shipping to United States: $5.00

Surgical stainless steel hoop for a nose hoop or septum hoop. Please make your selection from 6mm, 8mm or 10mm hoops. Endless hoops are comfortable to wear. Wire is hardened, will not loose its shape. Simply twist the hoop to open and close it.

20 gauge is 0.8mm thick (the thinnest hoop, and the same gauge as a regular earring)
18 gauge is 1.0mm thick
16 gauge is 1.2mm thick

For more nose hoops:

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Etsy. I share information with Etsy as necessary to provide you my services and comply with my obligations under both the Etsy Seller Policy and Etsy Terms of Use.

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Thanks for the great service and beautiful products!

Shipping is always fast and items are well made. Repeat customer!

Beware that if you have an item issue at all, this seller is uncommunicative and completely unhelpful. She has also changed her sizing methods without notifying her customers about that major detail, so that makes it incredibly easy to order the wrong size…especially if you’ve ordered before, you can’t be guaranteed to get the same size you ordered before. That aside, She clearly sent me the wrong size, several sizes bigger than I ordered, so not a sizing mistake on my end, and has refused to even talk with me about it, refused to make it right or let me return it. I won’t be purchasing from her again and would advise others to tread carefully. God forbid there be an order issue…you’re on your own and she won’t help at all! This isn’t how any business should be run, big or small…horrible customer service.

Very fast shipping. It was here within a few days of ordering. My favorite nose ring! Thank you so much!!

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