Dangling Crescent Moon Rose Gold Helix Cartilage Tragus Earring Piercing 16g

$12.00 $16.00

Shipping to United States: $5.00

Dangling crescent moon rose gold helix, cartilage or tragus piercing, cartilage earring, conch or helix piercing. 316L surgical steel barbell plated rose gold piercing is 16 gauge with a 1/4" (6mm) long post with a screw on ball backing. Choose your color bead, show with bead #13.

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Reviews (9)


The color of this earring is beautiful. Love working with this seller.

It kept falling off the post and turned green):

I received the jewelry and they were all pretty. I only had one problem, I ordered a $20 clicker and it was literally the whole reason for my order. I've never had a clicker before and thought that when I received it it seemed a little too easy to open. Well I didn't even go a full 24 hours with the earring on till I noticed my ear was bare. No earring to be seen. Apparently with a clipper it has to CLICK CLOSE to be secured, which I had no idea about. I only found out AFTER I mentioned to Jen that I had lost it. Which totally sucks. Im really disappointed that I lost the one earring I really wanted in not even a whole day. $20 down the drain....

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