Opal Center Round Rose Gold Industrial Barbell

$12.75 $17.00

Shipping to United States: $5.00

Round opal rose gold industrial barbell. The opal is faux, made with resin and glitter. The opal industrial bar is 14 gauge and available in different lengths. The 6mm opal ends are externally threaded on the industrial bar. If you would like a different color for the beads in the center of the barbell, please leave a note when you check out.

14 gauge
32mm, 35mm or 38mm long
Pink opal, black opal, white opal or blue opal ends
6mm externally threaded ends
Surgical steel IP plated rose gold barbell
IP plated brass ends

Click here to see more industrial barbells

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Reviews (3)


Bought this one last year and it NEVER unscrewed once or gave me any trouble, I get so many compliments on it, I decided I might as well get another for the other ear

So pretty!!! Actually looks a lot better than I expected, super comfortable and shipped very quickly! For sure would recommend

This industrial was stunning. However, it was a slight inconvenience. After screwing the end on tightly, the opals would be facing differing directions. Additionally, I was under the impression this jewelry was made of surgical steel, but it tarnished rather quickly and began turning my ear green. It was a little disappointing.

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