Ready To Ship - 38mm Watch Band with Sunflowers Tooled Leather


Shipping to United States: Free

Ready to ship! Hand tooled leather watch band. This handmade watch band fits a 38mm watch face. The leather watch band features hand drawn, tooled and painted sunflowers. If you want the sunflowers painted a different color or the stain of the leather different we can create a custom one made just for you!

Want a custom one made just for you? Send me a message and I can personalize one just for you!

Please note this is for just the watch band, the watch face is not included.

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Reviews (8)


SUPER FAST SHIP! Lovely watch band! I love it!

I’m in love!!!! Thank you for this cute and one of kind watch band! I’ve been searching for one for awhile and I love it! The only suggestion is to have options for smaller bands, I have small wrists so I’m on the last whole which is fine, but there is a lot of extra slack that wraps around almost to the other side. Thank you💗💗

The seller made the watch in a very timely manner and made all the small changes I wanted. The leather straps are thin and therefore are flexible. Additionally, the sizing was great and fits versatile wrist sizes and the best part is I got it under a week!

Love this watch band!!!

Got it for my wife for her Birthday and she loves it. Quality and craftsmanship look good, I would recommend it.

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